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القائمة الرئيسية


Story Welcome to my home author Yan Li

Story Welcome to my home 
author Yan Li

“One, two, three,” Tom said,
 as he counted the fies in  his bedroom. 
“Tom, don’t eat food in your room, please,”
 his mom  put her hands on her hips and tried not to lose her  temper. “I’ve told you tons of times! You always leave  your bedroom in such a mess; you should clean it up!”  

Tom looked around his room. 

His stuf was scattered everywhere, 
 from the bed right to the door.  

A few stray white bread crumbs lay on the foor. 

It wasn’t a bedroom to be proud of.  
Tom didn’t care what his room looked like though.  

He picked up some bread from the foor  and ate it on his bed.  
Suddenly, he heard a tiny voice say,
 “Don’t eat it, it has germs.” 
Tom looked around his room wondering 
where the tiny voice  had come from.  
He didn’t fnd anyone so he kept eating the bread.  

But something happened. 
Tom found himself becoming smaller and smaller,
 he ended up as small as an ant. 
His bed became bigger and bigger,
  bigger than an ocean.  
Tom tried to jump to the foor,  
but the foor was too far for him.   
It was like he was stuck in the middle of the ocean.  

“Do you need help?” the tiny voice spoke again.  
“Who are you? Where are you?” Tom asked. 
“Lift your head, please; 
I’m sitting near the window.”
 “Oh, my!” Tom cried out.  
He found a huge spider stting on her web; 
 the spider was busying wrapping up a fy.  

“How can you help me?” Tom asked. 
The spider dropped a line of web in front of Tom.
 “Grab the  line and I’ll put you on the windowsill.”  
“You’re not going to eat me, right?” 
Tom asked, feeling scared. 
“No, we’ve been friends for a long time,”
 the spider said. 
 “Because fies love your place,
 I’ve moved inside as my job’s  to catch fies.” 

Tom climbed up the line of web and pulled the line taut.  
The spider dragged the line upward.  
Tom closed his eyes and held his breath.  
He felt like he was riding a roller coaster at a park,
 but it wasn’t fun anymore.  

“Here we are,” the spider cheered.  
Tom opened his eyes and found
 that he was standing on the windowsill.  
“Since your room is too messy,
 I need to clean it up. I suggest you should go to visit the home of the ant  tonight,” the spider said. 
“But it’s still too high from the foor,”
 Tom felt hopeless. 

The spider didn’t hear him and left. 
A soft wind blew at nightfall. 
Tom could smell the fowers in  the air.
 But at the moment, Tom felt so depressed and lonely.  
“Welcome to my home,”
 a bee’s head peeped out from a fower and 
 she rolled her eyes at Tom.  
“Your home?” Tom felt curious.  
“My name is Little Dot.”
 Little Dot few over Tom’s head and  said,
 “I know you, you’re Tom.
  I’ve seen you several times in  your yard before.”  

Little Dot used her feet and lifted Tom up. 
Tom felt a strong wind against his face, 
and saw the  fowers like big lanterns swaying under him.  
Little Dot few high and low to avoid the leaves. 
Finally, Little Dot stopped in front of a rock and 
 knocked on the door.  

“This is your home?”
 Tom looked up and down the rock,
  it looked like a castle.  
“Yes, usually we build our home in rock crevices and hollow  trees, which we believe are appropriate for our colony.”
 Little  Dot explained. 
Another bee opened the door, and let them inside.  
 “Oh, your home is just like a huge storage area,”
 Tom  saw the bees arranging their 
belongings into boxes  one by one.   

All the bees were very busy. 
Some were cleaning the boxes.  
Some were carrying the honey. 
Some were splashed water around the room. 
“We really need water, 
as it helps keep our home cool and  allows the nurse
 bees to give raw honey to our babies,”
 Little  Dot explained.  

Tom looked around, and was shocked by what he saw.
  In their home, everywhere was very clean and tidy. 
  Also, the smell was really sweet.  
“We’ve three huge rooms in our home,”
 Little Dot  showed Tom around. 
“This room is our storage room; 
 we put our products here, such as honey and pollen.”
   Tom saw a lot of boxes with labels on. 
The boxes were all neatly arranged in lines.  

“This is our baby room,”
 Little Dot guided Tom to another bigger room  in the center. 
“Please be quiet,” a nurse bee came out and put her fnger to  her mouth. She stared at Tom, “Who’s he?”  
“Nice to meet you!” Tom said and smiled, but the nurse bee  grabbed his arm and smelt him,
 “We need to clean him in  case he has any germs!” 

“No, I don’t have any germs,”
 Tom cried and struggled.  
He tried to run away, 
but the nurse bee asked someone else to catch him. 
Tom ran very fast, not even turning around and 
 looking back once.  
He could hear the bees shouting.  

Finally, Tom found an empty box and climbed inside.   
He held his breath and waited for the bees to go away. 
After a while, Tom stretched his head out
 and found no bees around him. 
He jumped outside and walked to the corner.  
He found the biggest room,
 which was about three times 
 bigger than the other rooms.  
But it was dark.
 He couldn’t see anything inside.  

Tom entered the room on tiptoe.  
Unaware, Tom heard something crack, he seemed to have  stepped on something.  
“Who’s there?” the voice was so angry.  
A huge bee showed up in front of Tom. This bee had a larger  belly and stronger legs than all the other bees. 

“Hey, who let you into my home?
 This is my room. 
I’m  the queen and it’s my sleeping time,”
 she said in an  arrogant voice.   
The bees running after Tom heard the queen’s voice.
  They all came to her room and waited outside.  

“I brought him to our home,” 
Little Dot said with a  trembling voice,
 “It’s too cold outside;
 please just let him  sleep over for one night.” 
“Shut up!” the queen snapped sounding annoyed.
 “You  know our rules; we don’t like strangers.
 You two will  need to be punished.” 
The queen turned her body around, 
“Take them to the  storage area.” 

The other bees came over and dragged Little Dot and Tom to the  storage area and put them inside. 
Tom felt sorry for Little Dot.  
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring you any trouble,”
 Tom said. 
“Don’t blame yourself,” 
Little Dot said, 
“We can stay together and  have a lot of fun.
 By the way, I’m a worker bee, 
working is my life.” 

The storage area was a bit cold and wet.
 But Tom quite  liked the place.  
“The surface is really smooth,” Tom touched the wall gently. 
“We, the worker bees started to paint our home.” Little Dot  said proudly, “We covered the wall by using a thin layer of  propolis. This can prevent the wall from the harmful germs.” 

Little Dot put on some gloves and started to clean the  boxes.  
“Why do you build so many boxes?” Tom asked.   
“Our boxes is called honeycomb by human. They are to be used  to store nectar, pollen, water, honey and our babies in,” Little Dot  said. “The boxes are so important for our survival; we need to store  lots of honey for the winter.” 

“Why are the boxes a hexagonal shape?” Tom wanted  to take one of them and reached out to touch one of  the boxes.  
“Don’t touch it!” Little Dot said. “We can build  honeycombs from squares or circles, but the hexagon  is the strongest.” 

Tom suddenly realized that he hadn’t eaten for a long time,
 he felt so hungry. 
His stomach started growling.   
“Usually we don’t allow any eating of the food from storage,” Little Dot said, opening one of a box. “We collect the sugary juice from the  heart of fowers to make honey.”  

After eating, Tom wanted to help Little Dot to
 clean the storage  area.  
Tom felt so guilty because he didn’t know how to clean.
  He never did it by himself at home. 
He felt so clumsy.  
Finally, he spilled honey from a box that he was cleaning.
 The strong sweet smell fooded out into the whole home. 

The alarm bell started to ring.  
Tom saw an army of bees running out like little 
soldiers with arms.  
“Something’s going wrong, Tom, hurry!”
 Little Dot dragged Tom to  the corner.   
“What happened? What are they doing?” Tom asked. 
“The guard bees always protect our home. They can sting intruders  and also emit a scent to warn us of potential danger.” 

Little Dot jumped up onto a shelf and looked outside.  
“Oh no! It’s a honeyguide. It can fnd our home by its advanced  sense of smell.” 
“That’s the reason you wanted me to clean up to get rid of the sweet smell. All I did was make it worse by breaking the box,” Tom said.   
All at once, Tom felt everywhere around him shaking
 like there was an earthquake. 
He was knocked to the foor.
  Little Dot tried to catch him but failed. 

Tom jumped up on his feet and followed Little Dot  outside, as he was running he slipped over and lay on  the ground. 
He saw the honeyguide fip its wings and insert its beak  into the rock crevice. 
Little Dot stung the bird’s head bravely, and then she  tried her best to lift Tom from the foor.  

Finally, Little Dot dropped Tom on the fower outside
 of Tom’s home.  
From far away, Tom could see the bee’s home. 
It looked like an abandoned castle, which toppled  down to the ground.   

Tom felt so sorry for Little Dot’s sufering.  
He felt ashamed of himself.  
“It’s not your fault. The smell is so strong that the bird can fnd  us very easily,” Little Dot said. 
“What about your home?” Tom worried.   
“It’ll be rebuilt soon. We’re very strong,” Little Dot tried to show Tom her  muscles but failed and laughed. 

“I’m very weak; I will die after stinging someone.” Little Dot  closed her eyes. “A worker bee’s life is very short. But it has a lot  of meaning when I’ve a friend like you Tom, see you tomorrow.” 
Tom couldn’t take his eyes of his little bee friend.  
He didn’t know how long he stayed there until he felt the night  wind blow his hair again. 

The next morning, Tom woke up and found himself  asleep on the ground. 
He thought of his little bee friend.  
Tom searched everywhere, under all of the fowers.  
Finally, he saw a tiny fgure around the corner.  
Little Dot’s body was stif, withered and cold. 
Tom picked a leaf and covered the Little Dot’s body.  
He cut a small box into a hexagonal shape, and put  Little Dot inside. 

Tom went back inside his home, as soon as he stepped inside  he changed back to his normal size again. 
He started to clean his room. 
He arranged his belongings in closet neatly, like Little Dot had  taught him.  
In honor of his friend Little Dot, Tom built a scarecrow outside  the bees’ home.  
From that moment on, no birds or other animals dared to close  to their home. 

The spider moved out, because without all the fies
 to catch she lost her job.  
But she felt very happy to live outside the window 
 and watch her friend, Tom.  

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